The American Printing House for the Blind manufactures textbooks and other educational publications for students who are visually impaired. APH also provides publications useful to adults, such as cookbooks and dictionaries.
Database created by APH to help understand more about Cortical Visual Impairment. Database contains resources and medical information regarding CVI.
The mission of the Braille Authority of North America is to assure literacy for tactile readers through the standardization of braille and/or tactile graphics.
The purpose of BANA is to promote and to facilitate the uses, teaching, and production of braille. Pursuant to this purpose, BANA will promulgate rules, make interpretations, and render opinions pertaining to braille codes and guidelines for the provisions of literary and technical materials and related forms and formats of embossed materials now in existence or to be developed in the future for the use of blind persons in North America.
Louis contains information on accessible print materials produced by about 160 organizations throughout the United States. These materials include books in braille, large print, audio, and electronic file format. Louis also lists products developed by APH.
National organization that promotes and represents the Blind community.
The information on this site ranges from a basic overview of literacy to various stages of development and special challenges, as well as an exploration of different media (print, braille, auditory strategies).
The UATP is a federally funded program serving individuals with disabilities of all ages throughout the state of Utah. Our job is to provide assistive technology devices and services as well as train university students, parents, children with disabilities and professional service providers about assistive technology. We coordinate our services with community organizations and others who provide independence-related supports to individuals with disabilities.
Utah Department of Workforce Services was the first state in the nation to consolidate employment and public assistance programs. Today, more than 2,200 Workforce Services employees assist individuals in preparing for and finding jobs, meeting workforce needs of Utah businesses, administering temporary assistance, and providing economic data and analysis.
Founded in 1988 the Utah foundation for the Blind and Visually Impaired strives to help students achieve success in their daily lives.
Today, the Schools for the Deaf and the Blind stand as a proud symbol of Utah's Educational heritage and enthusiastically contemplate the challenges and rewards that lie ahead in their second century!
NIMAC is a federally-funded, searchable online file repository of K-12 print textbook content in the XML-based NIMAS (National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard) format. More than 41,000 K-12 textbooks from 120 publishers have been converted to NIMAS and are presently housed in our searchable database.
Provides resources and technical assistance for educators, parents, students, publishers, conversion houses, accessible media producers.